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Amid Tesla, Google layoffs, IIM-A alum questions ‘notion of dream companies’

As major corporates are once again laying off employees, the uncertainty and anxiety among people have increased. Numerous people are again back on a job hunt, while others try to survive at their workplaces. Keeping the current situation in mind, an IIM-Ahmedabad alumnus shared his thoughts on the “quaint notion of dream companies”.
“Well, isn’t it just grand to see these big corporations making such thoughtful decisions for their employees? Google, the beacon of innovation, decided that it was a fantastic idea to let go of their entire Python team. Because, obviously, Python is so last season for them. And Tesla, bless their hearts, they’ve got the whole layoff thing down to an art form. It’s like a team-building exercise, but instead of trust falls, you get handed a pink slip,” wrote Sanket Shah in his post on LinkedIn.
He further added, “And Atlassian, oh, they’re just keeping us on our toes with their hiring and firing at the same time. It’s like a rollercoaster ride of emotions for those poor students. You know, the ones who thought they had a shot at a future there. But hey, who needs stability when you can have a front-row seat to the circus of corporate decisions?” (Also Read: Google Layoffs: Ex-employee’s LinkedIn post describes ‘traumatic’ ordeal, ‘My hands were shaking’)
At the end, he said, “The term ‘dream company,’ what a quaint notion. Who needs dreams when you can have profit margins !! Let’s all raise a glass for the corporate overlords because clearly, they’ve got our best interests at heart. Cheers to uncertainty and disappointment!”

Earlier, a Pakistani woman claimed she lost her job during Elon Musk’s continuous layoffs at Tesla. She shared an emotional statement on LinkedIn, describing her sentiments about working at the organisation. After her post went viral, it struck a chord with numerous people.
