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Smriti Irani dedicates Women’s Day post for those who emerged from…

International Women’s Day 2024: Smriti Irani, Minister of Women and Child Development of India, took to Instagram to share a special post to celebrate the day. She dedicated her post to “all women who emerged from the darkness of inequality”.
“From the darkness to the light came many amongst us. With ambitions soaring, with dreams building on layers of aspirations abound, with a promise that every day is our day. Everyday an opportunity to unleash our potential, everyday a moment to give thanks to those who lit the path to prosperity & equity before we tread on it, everyday becomes Women’s Day for we will no longer be curtailed to the clock, no longer constrained by an opinionated flock! To all women who emerged from the darkness of inequality… be the light,” the union minister wrote in an Instagram post. She wrapped up her International Women’s Day 2024 post with a picture of her taking a selfie at an event.
A post shared by Smriti Irani (@smritiiraniofficial)
Shared a little over two hours ago, the post has accumulated close to 4,300 likes. The share has also collected tons of comments from people. Many also reacted to the post using either heart emoticons or fire emojis.
“You are an inspiration to so many women; keep on guiding and lighting the path,” expressed an Instagram user.
“Happy Women’s Day, lioness,” added another.
“Female energy is soaring and roaring all around… Nari shakti,” commented a third.
“Happy women’s day, ma’am. You are truly an inspiration to us,” joined a fourth.
While an individual shared, “So well said,” another posted, “Happy Women’s Day to a woman of substance. Empowered women empower women.”
A seventh wrote, “The glass ceiling needs to be broken, counting on you! Happy Women’s Day!”
